Wednesday, July 20, 2011

its been a while.

I can explain! I got on tumblr. But as I was doing my annual thinking in the shower, I realized how much I needed to write/type out things. I dont really do that on tumblr. Though, I should. Anyway, lately I have been pretty happy. But I don't know what has been up with me for the past week or so. I turned 16 last tuesday and I got a text from hewhoshallmustnotbenamed. (people that are close to me know who this undercover voldemort is) I wasnnt expecting much really. We talk off and on and it usually ends with me saying something he doesnt like. And this is why he hates me now. I wish he knew how much it hurts to talak to him knowing he has moved on and I apparently have not. I mean my god, I can't just stop the feelings I had for you in a matter of seconds now can I? Its eating me up and all I want to do is tell you. I hope you read this eventually. But you probably won't. Just know nothing has changed. For you, maybe. Me however, not so much..
