Wednesday, February 16, 2011

what my hears want.

lately, i have become even more obsessed with music. I have always had a liking for it, but now its like i cant stand not to have a song stuck in my head. (a good one of course) Today, E.T. by katy perry got to be the lucky one. yesterday, was I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys. & that is ok with me! but i usually find myself singing it, thats not always good for other people. i couldnt sing you anything decent to save my life.I wish i could sing though. just to burst out in song and actually sound like you know what your doing would be awesome. Since my life is high school musical.. i guess it could happen! If you know me good enough.. you know i am in love with Justin Bieber. and i am. but his songs all sound the same now. no offense.. i mean that is a good thing because his songs are great. But they all say baby a bizillion times. daaaawww. what ever floats his boat. thats all for nowww!

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